
Monday, April 25, 2011

Hiding your blog's attribution gadget, using a CSS rule

This article is about how to hide your blog's attribution gadget using a CSS rule.  

It is part of a series about removing the attribution gadget from blogs which have designer templates.

Previously I've described what the attribution gadget is, and the concerns that a number of people have with it.

It's been a bit of a cat-and-mouse game with Blogger since I put up my first post on the subject:  I think up a new way to take the the attribution gadget out of my blog, they put in some code to put back in again the next time I edit the template.

However things now seems to have stabalized.

How to remove the attribution by hiding it

One way of removing "powered by Blogger" from your blog is to hide it.   To do so, simply add this rule to your template:
#Attribution1 {display: none;}

(See Adding a new formatting rule to your blog for more information about doing this.)

Note:  Hiding elements on your blog can have downsides, if the search-engines think that you are trying to deceive them.   Use this technique at your own risk.

Mobile template blogs

The approach above only works on your non-mobile template.   If you have enabled a custom mobile template, you can either use the standard way of removing your attribution from your mobile blog, or by adding a 2nd rule:

.mobile #Attribution1 {display: none;}

Give credit, too

And as always - I do recommending adding an alternative attribution gadget, which gives credit where it's due.


If this rule doesn't work and you have tried several other approaches on the same template, your gadget may now be called  Attribution2 or even Attribution3.   Look at your template (Design > Edit HTML) and search for "attribution" to find out what the correct digit is, and modify the rule to use it.


I have not checked the Blogger Terms and Conditions to find out whether you are allowed to remove the Attribution.   Even if they don't mention it today, a requirement to keep the statement could be added tomorrow.   This advice does not mean that I, or Google/Blogger, are saying that you should/can/may/must remove the attribution statement.

Related Articles

Removing the attribution gadget

Removing the attribution gadget from mobile templates

Adding a new formatting rule to your blog.

Adding an alternative attribution gadget

Unlocking and removing the attribution


  1. THANK YOU THANK YOU this one works perfectly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This worked great, but I've got a big space between my text gadget in the footer (where I've put my new attribution) and the bottom border of my blog. How do I decrease this? ( Thanks for the simple instructions on everything!!!

  3. Hi Sarah, I'm afraid I don't know enough about CSS to reliably diagnose what's causing the space. I could make a few suggestions, but they'd be guesses rather than necessarily right. I'd suggest posting a question in the Blogger Help Fourum (, there are folks there who know a lot more about CSS than I do.

    (Nice front page design, btw!)

  4. Thank You...just type it into the CSS spot, applyed to page, and then it was gone!

    Thanks again

  5. ok well i want to remove it COMPLETELY, i cant see what it says, but there is still a big empty gap under my header and my linkbar, i want to say bye bye to that, plz help!

  6. The attribution gadget won't be causing that gap. Why dont you post a question in the Blogger Help Forum: tell them your URL, and maybe someone will be able to tell you how to remove the gap.

  7. If you've tried several other methods first, your attribution gadget may have been removed and re-instated several times. If this has happened, the gadget will be called #Attribution2 or #Attribution3 or ... etc.

    If that's the case, you need to change the CSS rule you add to

    #Attribution2 {display: none;}


    #Attribution3 {display: none;}



  9. Where do we post it in the html????

  10. JC-Sports, it depends on what type of template you're using. See for a general description of adding any CSS rule to any template

  11. okay, it worked! but now i got a huge space under my blog and there's like a line there without words. can you please tell me how to remove the huge space too?

  12. SJ, there are a few options here, not necessarily related to the attribution gadget. Post your blog's URL and describe the problem to the Blogger-Help-Forum, and see if someone there can spot the problem.

  13. Yep, Its still working. Thank you for the tip ;)

  14. I tried using this and it worked on my blog. Thanks a lot. Really helpful.

    Manish :)

  15. Works perfectyl! Thank you. :)

  16. yes its work ....thank you.but how can i remove it from mobile virsion????

    1. I've been meaning to research this for a while - thanks for the prompt. Have just published this just for you:

    2. Instead of removing it, I made it 1px visible. If the rules ever said to not hide the attribution, it probably won't say we can't modify it. (#Attribution1 {font-size:8px}

  17. wow,,,,,, this is perfect,,,,,, thank you very much!!! :)

  18. Can you tell me how to hide the blogroll from homepage by using CSS?

  19. Well what I did was to go to the Edit HTML under Template Options from the Dashboard and deleted this code:

    if you save it, it will prompt you that a widget is being removed. Remove it. Viola!
    Hope this helps too.

  20. thanks mate, ive already hide one of my widget on my homepage.

  21. I don't really want to remove the attribution on my blog, I just want to remove the part where it says what kind of template I have (copyright.SIMPLE TEMPLATE. Powered by Blogger) I just want to remove the one in all caps. How do I do that???? Hope you respond! :)

  22. I don't really want to remove the attribution on my blog, I just want to remove the part where it says what kind of template I have (copyright.SIMPLE TEMPLATE. Powered by Blogger) I just want to remove the one in all caps. How do I do that???? Hope you respond! :)
